Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 1 of Shredding: It's Working!

As I wrote about last week, I'm taking Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred challenge and committing to work out for 20 minutes everyday with The Shredheads. This 20 minutes a day thing is doable for my schedule, and it seems to be working. I lost 5 lbs. this week and had to go back one hole on my belt.

I know that some of it is water weight but still, not too shabby!

I feel almost guilty that I haven't gone for longer power sessions on the trail or at the gym. But then, I have worked out more than I would have if I'd gone for only a couple runs and The Shred's targeted exercises are designed for quick results. Mid-week I turned it up a notch and started the Level 2 series. Let's just say that Level 1 is to Level 2 like Go, Dog! Go! is to Heart of Darkness. I have some serious work to do before moving on to Level 3.

In addition to these workouts I'm making good food choices like cutting out gratuitous snacking between meals and instead going for the quick hunger fixes of almonds and apples. I'm drinking lots more water and less Diet Coke. I've traded quesadillas and PB&J for salads and yogurt for lunch. I have been going light on the alcohol. OK, I did have more than one drink during date night with the husband this weekend. But that's just good dating practices, come on. And if you knew how many drinks I wanted to have and didn't, you'd be proud.

Look on Motherhood Uncensored's side bar and check out all the other hotties that are shredding too!

I'll keep you posted on my progress here on APISS Reviews.

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