Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Giveaway for DC area folks: Two free tickets for this Saturday or Sunday to Six Flags America

UPDATE: The winner of the two tickets is Donne! Have a great time!

Thanks to Comcast and Six Flags America, I have two free adult tickets to Six Flags America Washington/Baltimore for use either Saturday or Sunday this weekend. Comment on this post before midnight tonight for a chance to win.


Friends of APISS are often amazed that we take our preschoolers and toddlers to this theme park. What many do not know is that there are tons of things for little ones to enjoy. We spend a good deal of time in Looney Tunes Town, the area of the park especially for kids 1-6 years of age. The kids love the gentle rides on trains, carousels and bumper cars. The costumed cartoon characters are cruising around and there's a stage where they perform dances and storytimes. Other parts of the park have rides that the entire family can enjoy together, like the hot air ballon family ferris wheel and the tea cups. And we love the kid-oriented performances like the silent wild west stunt show and musical performances.

This weekend is all about Halloween at Six Flags. During the day little kids can wear their costumes and trick or treat around the park that is decorated for the spooky season. At night, teens and adults can enjoy Fright Fest - a slightly scarier celebration of Halloween.

Six Flags America is a reasonable, and local, amusement park outing, especially when compared to theme parks with happy rodents at the helm. Kids 2 and under are free, adult tickets are 2 for 1 when you buy them online or even less if you are a AAA member. We brown bag our lunch and store it in a locker to save cash, load the diaper bag with healthy snacks and waters and we get out of the park spending less than $100 for a day to remember. With two free adult tickets in your pocket, you'll spend even less.

Here is our set of photos so you can see the family fun. Six Flags is open on weekends in October, after that it closes until Spring 2009. See calendar.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Giveaway: Kids' Hip Hop CDs by Secret Agent 23 Skidoo

Secret Agent 23 Skidoo is on a not-so-secret-mission to bring family-friendly hip hop and funk to the ears of your children and the speakers of your minivan or home stereo system. After years of touring nationally as a member of hip hop collective Granola Funk Express and becoming a father, he realized a need for soulful, fun music to which kids and parents could both relate.

On his debut album, Easy, Skidoo mixes traditional funk, bluegrass, reggae and blues with old school hip hop beats. Critics are calling it one of the best kids albums of 2008. The song "Luck” has rocketed to #1 on XMKids.

Leave a comment below before Sunday October 5th, and two lucky families will be shaking their rumps to the sounds of Secret Agent 23 Skidoo!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tonka Bounce Back Racer

I have an almost 5 year old son who loves, adores, covets anything remote-controlled. But a lot of the R/C items out there are too delicate and expensive for a rough and tumble preschooler. And often the gear shifts are too confusing for a little kid who still looks down to make the "L" to find his left hand. One round with a fancy R/C Corvette would be the only time he'd get to play with it, for a fatal collision or gear jam are a sure thing.

Thank goodness that Tonka gets preschoolers and made the new Bounce Back Racer with young kids in mind. My son passionately loves this colorful, crash-proof car. It feels soft to the touch, and soft against the furniture legs it continuously bumps without leaving a scratch. It says on the box it was developed for indoor play. The remote is easy for either my son or my two-and-a-half year old daughter to control with its easy two buttons for forward and reverse.

The coolest part of the Bounce Back Racer is that it is two sided - if it hits a wall or obstacle it flips over and keeps on going. The kids love this part. The cat? Not so much.

Cost: $29.99 - brand new from Tonka for Fall 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Giveaway of Stephanie Johnson Makeup Bag on We Covet

I'm hosting a giveaway of three gorgeous, deluxe, fancy-schmancy make up bags by Stephanie Johnson over on We Covet. Well, Stephanie Johnson is hosting the giveaway, I'm just the writer and huge fan of her designs. C'mon on over and throw your name in the hat; you can comment on any We Covet post this week for chances to win.

The giveaway is for my favorite size and style in Stephanie Johnson's line, the Darlene Deluxe Brush Case, in three cool patterns. These bags are the gold standard of travel and organizational accessories. Featured in InStyle and all the glossy magazines, stow your gear in one of these babies and feel like a star.

And even if you don't win, you can receive 20% off any purchase using coupon code StephanieJohnsonFall at checkout.

Cost: $59 at StephanieJohnson.com

Gonna Dress You Up In My Love (all over, all over)

My children both love to dress themselves, choosing wacky outfits never dreamed of by the buyers at Gymboree. They also heavily mine the costume chest for items to incorporate into their public wardrobe. My four year old son is extremely attached to two dinosaur tee shirts that have seen better days, the crown his preschool teacher made for him on his birthday and several pirate headscarves. My two year old daughter shows a great deal of high fashion creativity, wearing silky nightgowns as jumpers, converting recycling bin items into hats and choosing faux jewelry to complement her creations.

I think it's great. My kids have their own opinions, style and ideas on how to express themselves. As long as they are clean, combed and comfortable and it's not a formal event, I pretty much let them wear whatever they please.

Here are some of their best creations:

cowgirl/princess hybrid & Pirate Thor?

crazy kids

nightgown as day dress?

the tee says "My Mom Is My Hero" - but she still won't let me dress her

So, why the bizarre fashion show? For the swag, baby! The Parent Bloggers Network is giving away Polly Pocket Pop 'N Swap Fashion Frenzy Sets to the first 20 bloggers that write about their kids' mismatched outfits.

Cost: Polly Pocket Pop 'N Swap Fashion Frenzy $39.99 @ Toys R Us

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Giveaway Winners of Scholastic Books & A Prize for Everyone

The three winners of the hardcover copy of Scholastic's LaRue for Mayor: Letters from the campaign trail are

Lisa of My Little Pumpkin & Sweet Pea
Stephanie S.

But we're all winners and here's why. Amanda, the amazing contact at Scholastic that offers these great giveaways for APISS reader families, sent us the coolest link. She recommends going to the American Library Association website where parents and kids can make their very own free, customized mini-posters on reading. It reminds me of those great posters that came with our book orders in the '80s, you know, "Hang in there" with the kitten on the tree branch, "Lose Yourself in a Book" or "Reading Rocks!" Choose from four different styles, upload a photo and customize the text.

So double thanks Scholastic for hosting these giveaways. Make that triple: look for more election book giveaways for kids in October.

Winners were determined by numbering comments & utilizing the integer generator on Random.org.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Giveaway WInners of Walking Wings & Milkscreen

Ginger of Excuse Me While I Put My Foot in My Mouth is the lucky winner of the Milkscreen test strips


Robin wins the Walking Wings

Thank you everyone for commenting and thanks to UpSpring Baby for hosting these giveaways. Winners were determined by numbering comments & utilizing the integer generator on Random.org

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Twilight Series is Bloody Good

Reading is my therapy and my addiction, and fiction is my drug of choice. And although I love a deep, intellectual tome it's been awhile since an author has invaded my mind like Stephenie Meyer's vampire romance series Twilight. I recommend it to everyone. Yes, it's young adult fiction but it's so goooood. Like Harry Potter, Bridge to Terabithia, Wrinkle in Time, Witch of Blackbird Pond goooood.

The always amazing site alpha + mom has a great piece on why moms of teens in particular should pick up copies of the series: How To Be A Cool Twilight Mom

But even if you're a strict, adamantly uncool mom, don't be put off by the occultish implications of vampire love. Without giving too much away, the main characters are extremely moral when it comes to meals and make outs. However, the four books get progressively intense as the main characters' relationship matures. Previewing the adult content for your teen is the perfect foil!

P.S. The movie premieres in theaters November 21 (squeal!)

Cost for first two books in paperback: $6ish on Amazon, $11ish at bricks and mortar bookstores
Cost for the third and fourth books hardcover: $12ish on Amazon, $20ish at bookstores

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Russ Baby Bright Beginnings Bright Buddies

Perched in my Silicon Valley Moms Blog swag bag at BlogHer was this adorable little elephant, a Russ Baby Bright Beginnings Bright Buddy.

It immediately reminded me of the Snoopy Learn to Dress Doll that I had in the '70s, transporting me back to my Holly Hobbie-themed room as Mickey Mouse Disco played on the record player.

And just as I totally dug my Snoopy, my daughter loves her little guy. The elephant is soft, cute and my oh-so-independent two year old is learning how to dress herself more efficiently thanks to his zips, buttons, ties and easy to take on and off clothes.

Because you KNOW she has to "do it all by myself." Always. Unless it's playroom cleanup. But I digress.

Russ Bright Beginnings Bright Buddies - elephant, giraffe, puppy, kitten, pig or cow
Cost: $13ish at retailers all over the place

Thanks Russ for sponsoring the SV Moms Bloggers at BlogHer!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Giveaway: LaRue for Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail

Those crazy kids at Scholastic are giving away another 3 hardcover copies of an awesome election-themed children's book to APISS readers.

In LaRue for Mayor: Letters from the Campaign Trail by Mark Teague (Ages 4+), elections, civil liberties and campaign tactics are just another adventure for fun-loving dog Ike LaRue. The story is told through letters and local newspaper accounts, providing a great learning experience and new storytelling devices for children. Illustrations by Mark Teague use "split-screen" visuals and hilariously portray the escapades of the dog who would be mayor.

This book is yet another fun, light-hearted, child-appropriate way to explain the campaign process to kids during the presidential election season. It is also a beautiful work of art and fabulous addition to the family library.

Leave comments on any posts on APISS Reviews for chances to win! The three lucky winners will be announced in 1 week.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Giveaway: Walking Wings & Milkscreen

I met some of the women from UpSpring Baby at BlogHer and was entranced by these two new products: Walking Wings & Milkscreen. Both are cool inventions I totally would have used when my kids were younger.

Walking Wings is a contraption that allows you to support your new and learning walker without breaking your back in the process. My first kid was huge and didn't walk unassisted until he was 16 months; I needed this. Other benefits are that the child gains confidence with hands-free walking and his little arms aren't yanked around too much. Cost: $25ish at baby gear retailers

Milkscreen are test strips for your breast milk that let you know if your alcohol consumption will affect your baby. Basically, it tells you whether you need to pump and dump your G&T-laden lactose or if that Corona with lime has already been metabolized and your baby is safe. As someone who is both pro-breastfeeding and pro-drinking, this sounds very useful. Cost: $20ish for a 20 pack at baby gear retailers

Thanks to the good folks at UpSpring Baby, I have a brand new Walking Wings in navy blue and a 3-pack of Milkscreen test strips. Leave a comment below with the item you'd like and I'll use random.org to determine a winner in 1 week.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jooners: Free Website for Busy Parents, Room Moms, Life

You know how Evite makes it so easy to plan a bbq, potluck or other informal party? Now there's a website that makes organizing our children's packed schedules and coordinating with other parents just as easy: Jooners.

Jooners is especially for parents that have to coordinate class parties, car pools, snack duty, preschool co-oping, meals for new parents, events, lists, sports schedules, etc. with other parents. I have found that managing all of the obligations and expectations of service in my kids' preschool, church, sports and clubs can be a full time job (like I need another one.) Jooners was developed specifically to make it all easier and the online planners are a godsend.


Rather than send a trillion confusing e-mails and reply-alls that no one understands, simply have your fellow parents log-on to the shared file. Now immediately everyone knows that Jane is doing snacks on Tuesday, that Saturday soccer is in the west field, that Mark has signed up to chaperone the pumpkin patch trip, that the Johnsons have already received 10 lasagnas since the new baby arrived.

You can also load your school or organization's calendar to Jooners and make it accessible to your list, saving you the annoyance of having to develop a website and online calendar for the club from scratch.

Just sign up, send the link to your fellow parents and relax. Here's a quick one pager on the software's function, a short video tour to help you learn the site and here are some links to get you started:

See? Being room mom doesn't have to be that bad!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Venus Embrace - Hair Removal Nirvana

I've tried lots of different razors in the shower for legs and underarms, and the new 5 blade Venus Embrace is the best I've ever used. I picked one up at CVS last night and am in love. If I didn't sprout a Malboro Man-esque handlebar blonde mustache or have a serious eyebrow tweezing addiction that prevents me from ever stopping once I begin, I would never darken the doors of a waxer again. The Venus Embrace is that good.

I was a 15 year devotee of a new Daisy Plus disposable every week and then in my late 20s I went through a leg waxing phase that I thought would make me eventually hairless and hot (didn't work, just ate up a ton of money and time.) Then I had kids and got practical and moved on to the new multi-blade replaceable models of razors. I tried the original 3 blade Venus, the Venus Vibrance and the Schick Intuition. I didn't get the point of the vibrating action of the Vibrance and the Intuition's big moisturizing head was bulky, didn't flex over ankles and knees and I was afraid all that moisturizer stuff would get moldy. This mildew aversion means I'm totally turning into my mom.

Anyways, the Venus Embrace is by far the best. My legs are smooth, moisturized, nick-red bump-ingrown-little hairs you see beneath the surface but cannot get to-stubborn blonde knee mohawk hair-free. I think it's the shape, how the head of the razor moves and flexes when you shave, the moisturizing strips and especially the super sharp FIVE blades.

Cost: $12ish for the new razor and 2 blades, $14ish for 4 pack of blade refills

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